Darra Adam Khel, a small town in tribal controlled territory infamous for its trade in gun making. Peshawar, Pakistan.
Illegal Gun makers and traders in the town of Darra Adam Khel in the Tribal controlled territory outside Peshawar, Pakistan.
Filling cartridges. Darra Adam Khel, a small town outside Peshawar in tribal controlled territory. Pakistan, infamous for its trade in and manufacture of illegal Arms.
Gunsmiths tools. Darra Adam Khel, a small town outside Peshawar in tribal controlled territory. Pakistan, infamous for its trade in and manufacture of illegal Arms.
AK47's and Uzi's. Darra Adam Khel, a small town outside Peshawar in tribal controlled territory. Pakistan, infamous for its trade in and manufacture of illegal Arms.
Darra Adam Khel, a small town outside Peshawar in tribal controlled territory. Pakistan, infamous for its trade in and manufacture of illegal Arms.
Ladies pistol. Darra Adam Khel, a small town outside Peshawar in tribal controlled territory. Pakistan, infamous for its trade in and manufacture of illegal Arms.
Captain of the winning Polo team dances in celebration. Chitral, Pakistan.
Pashtun Man, Gilgit, Pakistan.
Lahore, Pakistan.
Lahore, Pakistan
Kailash girl. Chitral district, Pakistan.
Children in the Nalter Valley. Pakistan.
Peshawar, Pakistan.
Men playing Chess. Gilgit, Pakistan.
Family on Motorbike. Lahore, Pakistan.
Drummer at closing of the border ceremony. Lahore gates, Pakistan.
Men Dancing at closing of the border ceremony. Lahore gates, Pakistan.
Guards performing the closing of the border ceremony at the Lahore gates, Pakistan.
Sufi musicians and dancers at Lahore Temple, Pakistan.
female Sufi dancer at Lahore Temple, Pakistan.
Boys smoking Marijuana during Sufi worship at Lahore Temple, Pakistan.
Sufi musicians and dancers at Lahore Temple, Pakistan.