Kitemba primary school. If it is not raining The eldest pupils are taught outside by Headteacher Simona Onyango as classroom space is limited. On hot days it is not unusal for students to faint in the heat. Mubende, Uganda.
Kitemba Schoolgirls fetch water from a dirty pond for cooking and drinking. Mubende, Uganda for ActionAid.
Kitemba Schoolgirls fetch water from a dirty pond for cooking and drinking. Mubende, Uganda for ActionAid.
Hunters and Dogs. Mubende, Uganda.
Schoolgirls wash dishes in dirty pond water. Is is usually the job of female students to collect water for the school, to cook lunch and clean up. Tasks are performed on a rota basis by the students however it does still take the girls out of their classes to perform domestic duties. Kitemba primary, Mubende, Uganda.
Schoolgirls eating porridge made from dirty pond water. For many students this is the only meal they will eat all day. Kitemba primary, Mubende, Uganda.
Justine Nyirantungane 15 years old during lessons at Kitemba primary school. Girls often miss weeks at a time of their education due to parents taking them out of school to help with farming. Boys' education is prioritised and their studies usually remain uninterrupted . This can result in teenage females repeatedly trying to pass end of year exams in order to progress to secondary school. Mubende, Uganda for ActionAid.
Justine Nyirantungane 15 years old with handmade dodgeball, Kitemba primary school. Girls often miss weeks at a time of their education due to parents taking them out of school to help with farming. Boys' education is prioritised and their studies usually remain uninterrupted . This can result in teenage females repeatedly trying to pass end of year exams in order to progress to secondary school. Mubende, Uganda for ActionAid.
Sarah, 7 years old at the blackboard of Katasenywa Primary School Sarahs mother can not afford school uniform, without Uniform students cannot attend school. Sarah is behind in her studies. Masindi, Uganda.
Children squeeze onto a bench to attend an Empowering Life-long Skills Education lesson. This ELSE project provides one morning of lessons a week to children who otherwise would have no access to education at all. Masindi District.
Headteacher Simona Onyango of Kitemba Primary School, Mubende, Uganda.
Netball Team, Kitemba Primary School, Mubende, Uganda.
Mary Gorit, 12 years old, walks to school in the morning sun. Kitemba Primary, Mubende, Uganda.
Teenage girls squeeze onto a bench during lessons at Kitemba primary school. Girls often miss weeks at a time of their education due to parents taking them out of school to help with farming. Boys' education is prioritised and their studies usually remain uninterrupted . This can result in 17 year old females repeatedly trying to pass end of year exams in order to progress to secondary school. Mubende, Uganda for ActionAid.
Mary Goret, 12, (centre) at Kitemba primary School. Mubende, Uganda.
Patience, 4 yrs, Masindi District, Uganda.
Patience, 4 years plays with a tyre. Masindi District, Uganda.
Florence Ngasirwe, 58 years harvesting crops with a sleeping grandchild on her back. Masindi district, Uganda.
Children help prepare the evening meal by shelling peas. Masindi district, Uganda.
Jacqueline. Masindi District, Uganda.
HIV+ Rosette Namukasa, 24 yrs with her daughter Vivian 3yrs and son Kevin 7yrs at their home in Bwaise Slum. Kampala, Uganda.
Hajara 20 yrs, commercial sex worker, in the doorway of her home, Bwaise slum, Kampala, Uganda.
Annet 24 yrs, Commercial sex worker, in the one room apartment she shares with her five children. Bwaise slum, Kampala, Uganda.
HIV+ Orphan Jaliya Nakandi, 8 years old, with Regina from the Bwaise Womens group 'United we stand'. Regina looks out for Jaliya since she was found locked in a room by a family member who was meant to be caring for her. Kampala, Uganda.
Bwaise Tusitukirewamu Womens Group. 'Tusitukirewamu' means 'United we Stand'. Members of the group walk the streets and alleys of Bwaise in Orange T shirts, trying to reach out to other women who may need help and support. Kampala, Uganda.
Commercial Sex workers and their children cook street food to sell to the public as an alternative means of earning income. Bwaise, Kampala, Uganda.